
One Month (minus 2 days)

into this thing called married life.  I wonder how I am gonna maintain general hygiene, do well at work, keep in touch with friends, visit family regularly (4 parents now.. quite terrible but I'm kinda thankful I don't have another set of grandparents), have quiet reflective time with God, keep up with ministry stuffs, and be intentional about God's calling for me in missions.  The last bit is the one that I feel more strongly in recent times while the skeptical side of me says its just because its Mission month in church. But I've always known since I became a Christian that I am moved to see people from least reached peoples come to know Christ, I just don't know how this translates to action. Especially now that I feel more keenly that I am not my own- yet may that remind me of a higher calling: "You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." (1 Cor 6:19b-20); and "I am under obligation both to Greeks and to b


短短5分钟,要感谢的人太多了 I'm between you and lunch so I'll keep it fast. 阿爸阿妈,做你们的孩子,我很喜欢 在婆婆家和哥哥表姐弟妹长大也和喜欢 小时牵过的手, 如今老了  手上的皱纹深深浅浅  那是岁月的痕迹  却依然温暖如初   诗人写的,我中文没那么流利---  adapted from《父亲的手》 by Bei Dao (北岛) My new parents, thank you for welcoming me into your home my new brothers, for your background support through the years My spiritual family 属灵的家庭 now spread across at least two cities, and more in the future Thank you, thank you for all gathering here and online today Young and older Friends who have known me for close a decade or more, Amazing how we kept in touch despite what life had in store Meninas bonitas we finally reunite! and 隔岸的 dai lou Thank you for the thousand miles or more in our friendship Year 1 serious awkward me  Was blessed with warm-hearted funny weird peeps 社工系的 VCF 的, 大 4 Exco and Honours class 一起努力 Was one of the best times of my life  Coming close, the Lakeside youth team So many unglam photos with and of you people Blessed that work then and now Is meaningful a

This Is My Solemn Vow

I, xxx, take you, xxx to be my husband, to have and to hold,  from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health,  to love and to cherish, till death do us part.  This is my solemn vow. This is the first public vow before God and man since my baptism. Then, it was me and God. Now, its me with my to-be husband. To be husbanded, and to be a wife... As I think on these words and I can't help thinking how things can and have gone terribly wrong with us and in families all over, I wonder at the fact that we are getting married.  And yet. We are. By God's grace, we are. I am thankful that we are :) To walk through life with this person and know he's got your back, even knows you better than yourself at times. To be cared for and cherished, and have someone to care for too. Last but not least, walking this life on earth with its rough-and-tumble with a lighter step.  and with all that I am, and all that I have, I will honour you,  in th

Stepping into 30's, into Marriage

 Saturday. Day 2 of the second quarter in 2024.  On Leap Day I had a thought- Is my life inspiring to the young ones looking at me as an example of adulting, i.e. living out life on this side of heaven? Do I inspire through my hope and zest for life- to pass the baton of light I'd received from the generation of believers before me? I wonder.  Every so often I am struck with a feeling of restlessness and dissatisfaction at how my life is panning out. In the sense of wondering if I have been doing what I am supposed to do. (There is no resolution in this post by the way, unless I arrive at one while typing) After kind of waffling my time away on IG story- there's something that tells me to STOP yet something in me kept scrolling, not wanting to face whatever feelings I am in right now- I finally turned on my laptop to work on a new journal article.  Perhaps I am burnt out? From facing my research after a good dang 4 years.. with the end being so terribly drawn out. At this point


  This hymn brought tears to my eyes as we sang it in church this morning... The plaintive tune and lyrics brought to mind the many Christians waiting, seeking, praying (or faint from praying), for peace and justice for themselves and their homeland. Sigh.. Come Lord Jesus.  There are no words, just sighs and groans at the horrors I read/know a fraction of in the news and on social media.  As I read about ("yet another") natural disaster- "worst flood in a century in Somalia", the death toll, the reason (El Nino)- my heart naturally 'seizes up' a bit to shore myself from getting too affected. Yet Lord, yet Kang, aren't each 1 behind the number that added to the death toll and the people displaced from their homes, an eternal soul? It is all too easy to get hypocritical and think to myself: "I care quite a bit already". Thank You Spirit for putting in my heart this thought: We in Singapore may feel protected from all these, but its not if but wh

Inner Child Memories

Inspired by watching Tam Wai Jia's reels- honestly really inspired and also a little envious. Kind of like 'having it all', but I know I am just focusing on the processed pieces that she shared and not the sufferings/trials she had been through to arrive at these pieces. The truth is, God has also given me pearls that are used to bless others and glorify Him through my life experiences. I felt a quiet welling of tears when I took in the reels about how she processed with her children. And her reminding that if we didn't have this safe emotional space as a kid, we can heal and change the pattern 💛 Providentially, I had also been thinking about my inner child since an IG post about it .   So even though its work hours, I want to give myself the time and space to write things down to process. Knowing that I have mostly followed the pattern of pushing past my emotions to achieve goals, after which I may lose passion or sight of what I really want. (Thinking back on my

PhD rant

Uninhibited bitching about my internal examiners especially the chair lol. Idk if this is gonna make me feel better and I also want to qualify that I do see validity in their points (some of them). Yesterday I made a memo about seeing their comments as invaluable in improving my work and that I can use them to grow professionally in how to take feedback constructively... But today I am feeling indignant again as I try to work on their comments.  Ask me how I feel after the viva, I feel disappointment, weariness, even shame. These feelings were all masked by my tiredness from not having enough physical rest, and also the positive aspect that was well-meaningly emphasised.  But gosh. Thinking back about how the two internal examiners reacted to my responses to their incessant drilling made me feel so shameful and unworthy, and now I feel very angry toward them. Especially when I try to work on their comments, and I feel like HELLO I have already put some of these points down, did you not