新的事,将要成就 | A New Season


新的眼界 新的異象,新的故事 新的方向
(Give Us Vision, SOP 2015)

1. Beginning from the latest 'new' thing (or rather one) | I do remember a time in 2018 where I was almost in the depths of despair as I realised that I have not been known fully and I doubted if there was anyone who would know me fully and truly accept me. Recalling my reflections on being human after Anntic 2016, this struggle to be known/making myself known has been a rooted one. 

I guess one of the most beautiful, gospel-proclaiming joy of being a together-er, +1, half in a relationship that is more than ourselves is this- to be fully known and to be fully accepted. Of course, my reflexive self is aware that I might well be suffering from the age-old 'love is blind' illness. But that is not really true because there has been uncomfortable reflections and disclosures that show me (us) that these old ways need to be given up. And still, the acceptance (intentional, and only possible with Christ). 

Perhaps, and I do think there is a high chance I may be right- God had been preparing me all these while. For without the demonstration of loving listening of my sometimes hard to track thoughts by those dear friends, I wouldn't have even wanted to take any risk to be known. 

2. Singing a new song in church | For most part of my GPC experience, I have been more of that begrudging older brother in the parable of the prodigal son, I have realised now. 
Even as I experience deeper grief and uncomfortable feelings as I know GPC and the churchies more, I can also see how Christ is transforming my heart to love more. 真的是新的眼界来看待这个不完美的教会,而也能看到很荣美的一面。因此,感恩。

3. Hong Kong | Witness of history in the making. 
I've felt that affinity with Hong Kong ever since that 4 months on exchange there in 2015. Back then, the protests of the Yellow Umbrella movement were still fresh on my mind. I didn't really think too much of this back then, just that idealistic heart naturally being inclined to support the protesters. 

2019. I read the news and feel deeply saddened as I follow the developments (or deterioration?) in Hong Kong. Especially today's feature on the disillusioned youths who feel that they don't have anymore to lose, because the society has become hostile to their survival. 

And still, as I read about students at the protests and then it came to mind that I will be interacting with perhaps these same students in the university. A spark. Who knows what this may bring?

